Oldshoremore is a crofting hamlet in the North West Highlands just off the NC500, with beautiful beaches, lochs and wildlife all around. A great location to base yourself for some adventureous activities or just a great place to stay put, relax and unwind and enjoy the peacefulness and nature.
Self-catering bungalow
2 bedroom bungalow comprises of a double and a twin room, full kitchen/living area, WiFi, TV with Fire Stick and Disney+. Travel cot and high chair available if required, along with a small selection of toys and games.
Self-catering caravan
3 bedroom caravan compises of a double room, with 2 twin rooms. Small kitchen area with gas cooker/hob/ Dining and living area/ Gas fire in the living area, electric heating in the bedrooms. TV with a selection of DVDs. Small games and toys selection. No WiFi.
Campervan parking
Parking area for up to 4 campervans to get off the road for a quiet night. Tap for water. Nearest waste facilities 2 miles away in Kinlochbervie.